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Day trip to Guimarães: the itinerary

Explore with Guerin a day trip to Guimarães. Located in the north of Portugal is a charming city that breathes history and culture. Despite its compact size, this city offers a rich and authentic experience that captivates visitors from the moment they step onto its cobbled streets. If time is short, one day is enough to immerse yourself in the rich heritage of Guimarães and soak up its unique atmosphere.

In this detailed one-day guide, you'll find an itinerary that covers the main sights and must-do activities in this enchanting city. Come on.

Guimaraes castle: aqui nasceu Portugal motto

Morning: Exploring Medieval Heritage

Guimarães Castle (09:00 - 11:00)

Start the day by visiting the legendary and emblematic Castle of Guimarães. This medieval monument, often called the "Cradle of the Nation", is a key part of Portugal's history. Walk along the ancient walls and feel the grandeur of the castle as you imagine the battles and stories it has witnessed over the centuries. Be sure to climb the towers for panoramic views of the city and picturesque surroundings.

Guimaraes Castle aerial view

Palace of the Dukes of Bragança (11:30 - 13:00)

Right next to the castle is the Paço dos Duques de Bragança, a fairytale palace dating back to the 15th century. Explore its opulent rooms, in a day trip to Guimarães, decorated with authentic furniture and tapestries, and immerse yourself in the life of the nobility of that era. The manicured gardens provide a peaceful setting in which to relax and imagine what court life was like.

Paço dos Duques: Guimarães

Afternoon: Exploring the Historic Center

Lunch at a local restaurant (13:00 - 14:30)

Savor delicious local cuisine in one of the many charming restaurants in the historic center. Try traditional dishes such as Roasted Cabrito or Arroz de Pica no Chão, accompanied by a regional wine. In addition to satisfying the palate, this is an opportunity to experience the authentic gastronomic experience of Guimarães.

roasted goat assado

Historic Center of Guimarães (15:00 - 16:30)

After lunch, explore the heart of the city: the historic center of Guimarães. The cobbled streets and buildings with colorful facades create a charming and nostalgic atmosphere. Craft shops, boutiques and cafes invite you to stroll around and discover local treasures.

old street Guimarães

Largo da Oliveira and Praça de Santiago (17:00 - 18:30)

Stroll to Largo da Oliveira, where the imposing Church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira rises majestically. Enjoy the serenity of this historic site, before heading to Praça de Santiago. Here you will find charming cafes and bistros , perfect for a break with a coffee or a glass of wine while observing the rhythm of local life.

Padrão do salado ancient monument

Night: Nocturnal Atmosphere and Authentic Flavors

Dinner in a traditional restaurant (19:00 - 21:00)

End the day with a relaxing dinner in a traditional restaurant. Enjoy authentic local dishes and allow yourself to explore the region's rich cuisine. From rojões à Minhota with papas de sarrabulho to regional delicacies, such as Torta de Guimarães, the gastronomy of Guimarães will delight your palate.

saint guaalter church

Night Tour (21:30 - 22:30)

Before saying goodbye to Guimarães, take a peaceful walk through the streets lit up at night. The city takes on a magical atmosphere under the twinkling lights, and historic facades come to life in a unique way. Take the time to soak up the tranquility and nocturnal charm of this enchanting city.

night shot oliveira square

Exploring Guimarães in a single day, although one day is limited to explore all the details of the region, is an enriching journey that allows you to capture the historical and cultural essence of this unique city. This itinerary offers an engaging taste of the city: from ancient history to vibrant contemporary culture, the city captures the hearts and minds of visitors. And Guerin always goes with you! Choose our rented cars vast fleet and go exploring in the best company. Whatever the destination, Guerin always goes with you. Therefore, get ready for a spectacular road trip and discover the wonders that Guimarães promises in a 1-day visit.

statue of D. Afonso Henriques

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